Wednesday, September 24, 2014

WINE WEDNESDAY: Wine-o-mania

Like the bubble, stock market bubble, the housing bubble
and the beanie baby bubble . . . could  a wine bubble be next?

It seems everywhere you go now there's wine on the menu, 
on the shelf,  
in the beer gardens, 
at the theatre, 
at the ball games . . .
at Starbucks

It seems like wine is surpassing beer as the drink of 
choice in many venues

And wine infused food items - 
there's wine-infused popcorn, 
ice cream and now . . .  cheese

Recently at my gourmet grocery store, 
while selecting a wine for the weekend, 
I happened to see this Sartori BellaVitano Merlot cheese.  
The rind was a purple color, so I couldn't resist.  
I paired it with several other cheeses, olives, crackers and of course Merlot 

It was great

Wine and cheese and wine-cheese

I don't know - if this is really a wine bubble
But I didn't sell my house when the bubble burst
And I won't stop drinking wine

I'm in it for the long haul

Bring on the wine-infused cigars

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