Wednesday, September 17, 2014

WINE WEDNESDAY: Flea Market Finds

When you see something you like
don't worry about where you will put it
you'll find a place . . . eventually.

On occasional weekends I like to go to my local flea markets.  The mix of vendors changes each time and you never know what you'll find.  

A few weeks ago I visited a flea market I have been to a hundred times and ran across a vendor that I had never seen before.  

I found these great inexpensive wine prints, cut some mats to fit ready-made frames and they're ready to display.  I haven't decided yet where I'm going to hang them but I like the subject.

I can vouch for the first one but I've never been to Paris so I can't speak for the second one - but it sounds good.

I've visited the same flea market recently and the print vendor wasn't there  . . . but
 I'll keep an eye out.

You never know what you'll find that you need to find a place for.

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