Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pachypodium Pandemonium

I changed my mind

I said I was giving up on Madagascar Palms

going with a nice Sago


then I read about people that cut the tops off the Madagascar Palms 
to encourage branching

I didn't think it would work on these because the tops were dead

but I tried it anyway and I put the palm in the ground and hoped for the best

two months later I got a little surprise

branches had appeared on two different sides of the palm

knowing that I've got to drag it back to the storage unit for over wintering I moved it back into a pot

each day it looks a little bit better than the day before

so now it looks like I've got at least one of my old palms back

a few weeks later I was in one of my local big box stores

perusing the clearance racks and I ran across a very small Pachypodium 

this is the first time I've seen one of these since I purchased my last two that grew into those giant palms that I used to haul in and out of the storage unit

I think it's already doubled in size since I bought it and put it in a pot

With any luck by next Spring I'll have two thriving Pachypodiums to roll back onto my patio with all of my other garden treasures

It turns out my next palms were a lot like my last palms

now I got a second chance

I guess I'll do it again

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