Sunday, July 21, 2013

Adult juice boxes — straws optional

Enjoying a glass of wine can be a relaxing, quiet experience. 

But what about when your sister's 2-year-old is wobbling through the den, making a beeline toward your glass of wine?

More convenient packaging for your glass of wine can be helpful in a variety of situations — if you're going to the beach, a sporting event or somewhere that steady footing and a stable, solid surface isn't guaranteed, you need your wine to be in a portable container. 

The Wine Cube is available at Target for just such occasions. 

Cooler than traditional box wines? Check — and much easier to transport.

Cooler than Beatle Juice? Maybe not, but pretty darn close.

Cooler than the wine handbag? Depends — I think men would prefer that option when they've been abandoned in the women's clothing section while their wives are in the dressing room.

I think everyone would prefer this option when they're packing for a trip or hanging out in the backyard playing washers or horseshoes.

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