Wednesday, October 1, 2014


This is the time of year that the population of Round Top increases more than 100 times.  

Today was no exception. 

It was a nice day and traffic was fairly light compared to what it will be like Friday and Saturday when it will look more like the LBJ Freeway at rush hour.

Many great finds today - two wine themed treasures.

Found this cool industrial looking gauge that serves as a wine holder.  

Can't wait to get it home and try it out- might even put it in my garage.

The second item was a vintage wine bottle- an Italian red table wine by Lambrusco.

I have two others that I have posted pictures of previously.  One is a plain green cylinder for the neck of the bottle.  Another is in the shape of a chain of fishes and this one is in the shape of an elephant's trunk with the elephant serving as the base of the bottle.

Funny thing is - I had no idea I needed these things when the day started.  

Who knows what I'll find that I didn't know I needed tomorrow.

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