Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good
The geraniums lived

Had to move them in and out of the garage all winter 

A lot of work for 2 small flowers

But it's worth it

Never had any live all winter before - that's good 

The Bad

I think Boston ivy could survive an Arctic winter 

It easily survived this one - that could be bad - it can get kind of invasive -

But the jasmine may have a tougher time coming back 

It looks bad

The Ugly

This jaws agave is kind of scary even when it's healthy

But when the cold has eaten it up it can be downright ugly

After a few months I hope the ugly shriveled parts will be replaced with tender new green leaves 

My spaghetti's getting cold and my wine's going flat 

Have to check the rest of the damage tomorrow

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