Wednesday, March 26, 2014



It's time to ease into SPRING...
try creating your own terrarium with
some of your favorite plants

You can use a favorite jar or container
and have your plants inside or
carry them outside on a sunny day


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Training

The vernal equinox

The sun will complete its march across the equator

And the calendar signals the first day of spring

The official opening day for wine-gardening season

Let's open a bottle of wine to celebrate

     Get outside and clean off the potting bench

          Knock the rust off the shovels

               Dig your hands deep into the dirt

                    Out with a few of the old plants that couldn't
                    weather the winter storms and in with a few
                    new ones

Geraniums always catch my eye early in the season-
  the bright red ones

There's a very good chance I'll wind up bringing them into
the garage before the weather roller coaster ends

I'll place them there next to some other plants that managed
to survive the winter and I'll bring them back out for a glimpse of the sun and a little water when the weather permits.

But today I'll place some on the front porch

     It's like illuminating the OPEN FOR BUSINESS sign

Others will go to the backyard patio where I will sit and
enjoy some wine as the first day of spring comes to an end

Looks like it's going to be a great season