Today is the opening day of the State Fair of Texas. Indeed, a new and improved Big Tex was unveiled Thursday.
Big Tex 2.0. c/o Fort Worth Star-Telegram. |
As our part of the world begins the slow change of the seasons, the fair highlights all the best elements of the transition. We can walk around outside (for the most part) without breaking buckets of sweat. We can listen to a football game while we miss every milk bottle we aim at. We can climb inside shiny new cars. And, most importantly, we can eat.
In addition to the flambéd jalapeño butter popper biscuit and the like, it's important to appreciate the staples. Corn dogs, kettle corn and an ice-cold root beer are normally all I need to enjoy my fair outing.
You know what's missing from that mighty triumvirate? Wine, of course.
Populence Popcorn Artisans in New York City found a way for us all to combine a fall classic with an everyday classic: red wine kettle corn.
While you're at the fair
Wine gardening has hit the big time.
During this year's fair, which runs until Oct. 20, visitors can spend time at a wine garden at Fair Park. You can drop the kids with your mother-in-law at the children's barnyard and mosey on over to enjoy a glass of wine while you digest your fried Thanksgiving dinner.
Hope to see y'all there.